School & Community Learning Together
Each parent will be given their own secure login to Connect. Connect is totally free and, because it is provided by the Department of Education, very safe. As well as being able to login to Connect on any internet-enabled device, you may also receive notices from Connect that will be sent to you as either an email or a notification on your phone. A free app called Connect Now can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple App Store and will let you receive Connect notices as push notifications.
If you have multiple children you only need one login – even if your children attend different public schools.
When you login to Connect you will be able to see information specific to your own child/ren such as:
The School Space where you can be notified about school information and events
The classes in which your children are engaged
Notices from your child’s classes that automatically generate an email or phone notification to you.
To register for Connect you will receive an email with your login details on enrolment and each year as an update. You will then be confidentially issued with your unique user name and password for Connect.
If you have any problems with this please contact the Office and we can help with unlocking accounts and passwords.
If you change your email address please let us know so we can update your details.