School & Community Learning Together
Independent Public Schools
Overview of the Independent Public Schools Initiative
The Independent Public Schools initiative honours a State Government pre-election commitment to hand greater control to schools.
In collaboration with their school community, Independent Public Schools set their own strategic directions, have authority for day-to-day decision making and are in an ideal position to make decisions that best cater for their students. Parents and community members have an important and enhanced role in this initiative.
In order to operate with more autonomy, Independent Public Schools are afforded a number of flexibilities. This means that they can select staff, manage their financial affairs through a one line budget, select school development day dates, approve leave applications, determine the curriculum that best supports students’ needs, as well as manage school utilities (electricity, water, gas and waste management) and faults (breakdowns and repairs).
Although they are called Independent Public Schools, these schools remain part of the public school system.